Thursday, May 14, 2009


I believe in many things.
What do you believe in?

I believe in life, hope, faith, love.
I believe that music has the power to change lives.
I believe the Jesus Christ is the one and only way to get to heaven.
I believe he came to earth, died, and rose again three days later.
I believe you can do anything if you set your heart to it.
I believe that my calling is to Australia, I’m not sure what that means yet.
I believe that this is the end times.
I believe the Obama was the right choice for America, if not God would not have made him our president.
I believe that we do not yet know who the antichrist is, but we will soon find out.
I believe that depression is always solvable, with medicine or otherwise.
I believe that suicide is NEVER the answer.
I do not believe that cursing will damn someone to hell.
I do not believe that if you kill yourself you will automatically go to hell.
I believe that I’m not broken, but you can see the cracks.
I do not believe that smoking/drinking is going to send you to hell, I just don’t like it.
I believe that tattoos are simply a way of expressing yourself, just like any other form of art.
I believe that art has the possibility to change peoples lives.
I believe that rescue is possible. I believe that hope can and does save people.
I believe that I am called into the mission field, but not as an occupation.
I believe in many more things, this will probably be updated. Often.


I felt like I hadn’t blogged a lot lately. And I’ve been inspired a lot lately.

So here’s an update on my life. Since I haven’t updated this thing for real since February.
I got tickets to see Coldplay in June.
I got tickets to see U2 in October with Muse.

Now for more recent.
I’ve made some new friends.
I’ve lost some old friends.
I’ve become nostalgic about mission trips.
I’ve realized how much I need to go to Africa.
I’ve realized that I need to know what I believe in, which will get it’s own blog sometime soon. I wish I was better with words.
Starting tomorrow, I plan on doing a 3 day fast along with Peter Gabriel and joining Jon Foreman who did it earlier this week. I will try to blog about it, if not I will at least journal and update it after. I’ve been having strange dreams about Darfur lately, and I really feel like this is something I should do.
Join me in the fast. We can make a difference.